Sunday, March 23, 2008

Its gonna be ISB

So, I am going to ISB and everything is official about it. When I started applying, I googled for blogs to find information on application process, tips and personal experiences of folks who made it. Now, I think, is an opportune time to help folks who are in similar state as I was a year back. Hence, this post.

I believe, it all starts with the realization to do MBA. The reasons are very much specific to individual. Trust me; the reasons are very specific to each and every individual. Once you have realized, you have lot of schools to choose from. Once you have finalized on the schools, it’s all about how well you do in convincing the ad-com of those schools. The application process of each school is not exactly the same as the others. However, the approach can be broadly categorized in to taking the exam (GMAT etc), filling up the application form and then the interview (this may be accompanied by group discussion for certain schools).

Though GMAT is not the single most important criterion to make it to a B-School, there is no harm in having a good score in application. If you can’t score big, don’t feel disappointed. Fortunately, applying is not only about GMAT. There are lots of avenues in the application where you can make real difference.

A very good read to start application process is 'How to get in to the TOP MBA Programs' by Richard Montauk. The book deals with most of the intricacies involved in application process. It also addresses some very typical “What to do when faced with” questions. Personally, I found this book very handy.

They say MBA is all about networking. True to that statement, I think, even an MBA application starts with networking. Once you start applying, I think it is always suggestible to get in touch with alumni of that school. Be it drafting resume, editing essays, preparing for interview, I think it is always suggestible to seek help from people who have lived through the process. In my case, the help and feedback I received from ISB alumni proved invaluable. I also suggest applicants to use the “contact a current student” feature provided by the school and make full use of it.

The sooner one starts the apping process, the better it is. Not only does this give more time to think over the application, it also helps in refining application strategy. While writing essays, the author (referred as you further in the post) should try to be “critical and logical”. Once you are done with the first version of the essays, make sure that the essays are critically read by diverse set of people. Seek feedback from them, analyze their feedback and try to accommodate it in the essays with discretion. Not to forget, the more the essays are read, the better they get. One more very important point to note is: It is always suggestible to submit the best application than to apply early. It is always suggestible to submit a strong application in second or further rounds than to submit a “not-so-strong” application in the first round.

After the application is submitted, it is better to be patient than to send emails to schools asking for status (unless until school does not conform to the deadlines). Also, in the interview, never say anything which contradicts what is written in the application. That’s like kissing a cobra. In the interviews, stick to the essays and try to add personal touch rather than sounding like somebody else (unless until you are very good at acting).

Few tips:

1) Be Yourself. Don’t try to be someone whom you fancy. You are at your best when you are what you are.

2) Be critical and logical while drafting essays and resume. The first version of essays and resume is never the best version. Typically, a good essay or a good resume goes through numerous reviews and edits.

3) Seek help from Alumni. Most of them will be helpful as they might have been through similar situations in the past.

4) Enjoy the application process. Historically and statistically, humans have done extremely well when they enjoy what they do. Also, application process is a good opportunity to introspect. Trust me, many people recollected some very important events in their life during the application process which were forgotten over time. I am one among those many people and don’t ask me what those events are :).

For those who come across this blog while applying to schools, Happy apping and Good Luck!!

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this blog are strictly my personal opinions and not those of any organization/institution I am a part of, nor made in any official capacity of such organization/institution unless expressly stated otherwise and where I am explicitly authorized to do so.


Naveen Kanneganti said...
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Naveen Kanneganti said...

Hi VBC, good suggestion
(to use the alumni of the school).Thanks. I hope u would write in detail how the process of selection and interviews@ISB would be.